
Erasmus+ funded Empowering Young Children to Act on Climate Change

Erasmus + "Empowering Young Children to Act on Climate Change" project (2021-2-F101-KA210-SCH-000051088) was coordinated by Learning In Nature Ltd 2022-2023. Partners of the project represented are New Loops organisation from Portugal, Uncalı Kindergarten and Oba Association from Turkey and Dječji Vrtić Ivanić Grad kindergarten from Croatia. With this project we aimed to raise awareness of teachers in pre-schools about climate change and to establish a policy and toolkit through effective tools for young children.

Empowering Children to Act on Climate Change  is a project that established an international dialogue, enabled the emergence of a climate action network and tackled the lack of materials and training to empower Pre-K to Grades 1 and 2 teachers and young children through experiential learning in a positive way.

Policy Recommendations for Climate Education and Climate Education Toolkit for Kindergarten Teachers was created as outcomes of the project which can be downloaded in 5 languages (English,Finnish, Portuguese, Turkish and Croatian)


Erasmus+ funded Empowering Young Children to Act on Climate Change

Erasmus + rahoittama"Empowering Young Children to Act on Climate Change/Pienten lasten voimaannuttaminen toimimaan ilmastonmuutoksessa."-hanketta koordinoi Learning In Nature OY vuonna 2022-2023. Kumppaniina hankkeessa ovat New Loops -organisaatio Portugalista, Päiväkoti Uncualı ja Oba Ry Turkista ja Dječji Vrtić Ivanić Grad päiväkoti Kroatiasta. Tällä projektilla pyrimme lisäämään varhaiskasvattajien tietoisuutta ilmastonmuutoksesta ja luomaan suosituksia ja työkalupakin jotta saadaan lasten ja nuorten voimaannuttaminen ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumisessa ja ehkäisyssä.

Pienten lasten voimaannuttaminen toimimaan ilmastonmuutoksessa -hanke edistää kansainvälistä vuoropuhelua ja ilmastoliike-verkoston muodostamista sekä pyrkii korjaamaan materiaali- ja koulutuspuutteita mahdollistaen varhaiskasvattajien sekä lasten kokemuksellisen oppimisen myönteisellä tavalla.

Hankkeen tuloksena syntyi Suosituksia ilmastokasvatuksen edistämiseen varhaiskasvatuksessa ja varhaiskasvattajille suunnatun Ilmastokasvatus oppaan.

Projektin ladattavät resurssit löytyy täältä


Results of the project:

POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS on climate education

FIRST MEETING IN HELSINKI, FINLAND Climate Change Education Training Course

The 3 day Climate Change Training for early childhood educators was on what climate change is and the participants found out how they can be role models for children. The aim was to inspire and show concrete examples so they will have motivation to take steps in their own countries. Dates: 18-20 May 2022 Meeting included planting trees, cycling to a nature centre in Espoo, a visit to a nature based kindergarten in Helsinki and a visit to a permaculture based farm to learn about companion planting for trees.


This toolkit introduces the concept of Climate Education, presents best practices in Europe, and offers a selection of 15 games and activities to engage children indoors and outdoors, as well as conclusions and references. It is addressed to teachers and parents who could use it as a guide to connect children to nature, which is essential for adaptation to a changing climate. 

This toolkit is within the framework of the Erasmus Plus Programme Empowering Young Children To Act on Climate Change of the European Commission (2021-2-F101-KA210-SCH-000051088).

Content includes What is Climate Change, What is climate Education, Good Practices from Europe, Games and Creative Drama Activities as well as information about the partner organisations. The toolkit is dowloadable in 5 different languages,see below.

In English In Finnish In Portuguese In Turkish In Croatian

MEETING IN FARO,PORTUGAL For Planning the Climate Education Toolkit 2 days activity was led by New Loops. During the meeting, the publication process of the Toolkit was planned. Dates: 9-10 August 2022 Meeting included tree planting and getting to know a permaculture designed land.

VIDEO of the meeting

MEETING IN ANTALTA, TURKEY Climate Education through Drama and Games Training Course 5 days course activity was lead by the Non-Governmental Organisation OBA . Dates: 13-17 June 2022 In this training course, it was aimed to gain awareness and experience about how climate education can be held through games and creative drama. During the course, the participants had the opportunity to experience and create various games and drama activities to be used in the Tool kit. Meeting included tree planting, cycling, visit to a nature reserve, a local public kindergarten Uncualı Kindergarten and forest affected by fire.

VIDEO of the meeting

